Sunday, January 5, 2014

Amazing & Interesting Facts about Urdu Language


Urdu is a language which is associated with Muslims of Pakistan and India. Urdu is the national language of Pakistan & Lingua Franca and it is also the official language of 5 Indian states. Here are some very interesting facts about Urdu language

Language of Beauty & Grace

Urdu is a language of beauty and grace, custom-built for literature that adds meaning to prose and charm to poetry, a language that marked the distinguished from the unlearned and the noble from the ordinary.

National Language

Urdu, presently the national language of Pakistan and the identity symbol of Indian Muslims, is linked with Islam in South Asia. This alliance was forged during British colonial rule when modernity first impacted India. The British replaced Persian, the authorized language of Mughal rule, with Urdu at the junior level and English at the higher one in parts of North India and present-day Pakistan. Urdu was spread by networks of education and communication in colonial India. It became the instruction medium in the Islamic seminaries (madrasas) and the main language of religious writings. It also became part of the Muslim distinctiveness and contributed, only to Islam, in mobilizing the Muslim community to demand the creation of Pakistan, which was carved out of British India in 1947.

One of the Official Language of India

Urdu, distinguished from Hindi by its script and vocabulary, is also one of the official languages of India. It is one of the most extensively spoken languages of South Asia, and has attained a wider distribution in other parts of the world, particularly the UK, where it is regarded as their main cultural language by most Muslims from Pakistan and northern India. Besides its significant role as the chief vehicle of Islam in South Asia, Urdu has a vital secular literature, whose poetry is strongly based on Persian models

Popular in Middle Eastern Counties

Urdu is also the official language of Pakistan and one of the formally recognized national languages of India. Urdu is also spoken by chief populations in some Middle Eastern countries and South Asian communities in various countries.

Popular among Muslims

In India, Urdu supports the Muslim minority against right-wing Hindu domination. Urdu plays intricate and even contradictory roles in its association with Islam in Pakistan and parts of North India.

Academic Discipline

Urdu is a vital and most important language if you are interested in any academic discipline that includes the study of South Asia — including law, medicine, business, agriculture, life sciences, humanities, and social sciences

Significant Language

Urdu is on the list of significant languages compiled by the U.S. State Department. To meet the need in the United States for the Urdu speakers, the State Department, among other agencies and institutions, offers competitive scholarships for language study and travel abroad for students studying Urdu.

Mix of Other Languages

Urdu contains word from other langues to like turkish, pershion and  arabic,

Amazing & Interesting Facts About United Kindom


United Kingdom, officially known as United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a sovereign state located at north-west Europe. United Kingdom has four countries:  England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Let us know some interesting facts about United Kingdom

Interesting Facts About United Kingdom

Drink Drink

  • London has the credit for the first hot chocolate store ever opened.

  • The English drink the most tea in the world.

  • It is against the law to get drunk in a pub in England.

  • In Scotland, it is against the law to get drunk and possess a cow.

Name Forms

  • The conventional long form of the United Kingdom is United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales.

  • Many people use just the abbreviation UK.

  • The conventional short form is the United Kingdom.


  • UK mostly has knife edge ridges and high grounds with valleys in between. Thick glaciers from the Ice age are responsible for such a terrain.

  • Almost 75% of the land in the UK is taken for farming.

  • The highest point is Ben Navis at 1,343 m and the lowest point is -4m at The Fens.


  • The United Kingdom happens to be the first industrialized country in the World.

  • Polo, soccer and Rugby were introduced to the world by the UK.

  • The British invented the world’s earliest railways.

  • John Walker invented the matches in 1827. He was British.

Famous Architecture

  • The Buckingham Palace has its own police station.

  • The largest Royal home is the Windsor castle.

  • Big Ben refers to the bell and not the clock.

  • There are 4 world heritage sites in the UK. These include The west minister palace, The tower of London, Maritime Greenwich, Kew Botanical gardens. These interesting facts about United Kingdom Architecture are are really exciting.

Tube & The Underground

  • In all of Western Europe, Angel tube station has the longest escalator.

  • About 409 escalators are there in the subways.

  • London bags the first place to have an underground subway system.

  • The tube route from Leicester Square to Covent Garden can be covered quicker on foot.  However this seems to be the most popular route tourists take.

  • The tube route also happens to be the costliest and unreliable.


  • Nelson Mandela called the spice girls his heroes when he met them.

  • The Beatles originally called themselves the Blackjacks and then the Quarrymen.

  • There is no portrait of William shakespeare painted, when he was alive.

  • To make a billion dollars from writing books has been achieved by JK Rowling.

  • From Canterbury to London, the bus route that Ian Flemming took inspired the 007 for James Bond.


  • According to history, the London Bridge had indeed fallen down according to the old rhyme, when the Saxons had torn it down using ropes and boats.

  • The Thames has over 200 bridges and tunnels along its course.


There are some interesting facts about United Kingdom related to animals:

  • In Medieval England, animals were tried for their crimes and even punished for them.

  • Pygg meant clay in Olden days. People stored their coins in these clay jars which later evolved to piggy banks.

  • The Mute swans are officially owned by the Queen.

  • The driver of the vehicle who kills a deer cannot eat it, but the person sitting beside can do so.

  • The chickens outnumber the humans in UK

Amazing, & Interesting Facts About Indonesia


Indonesia, officially known as Republic of Indonesia is a country located in the Southeast Asia comprising of 17,508 islands. It is the 4th most populous country in the world, it is surrounded by Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Malaysia. Let us know some interesting facts about Indonesia

Largest Archipelago and its Islands

  • Indonesia is the largest Archipelago in the world. There are 17,000 islands, out of which 6000 are inhabited by people. New Guinea, Borneo (also known as Kalimantan), and Sumatra island are on the list of the top ten largest Islands in the world. With a population of almost 150 billion, Java is the most populous Island in the world.

Former Wonder

  • he Borobudur temple is located in Indonesia. It is the world’s largest Buddhist temple and was earlier one of the Seven Wonders of the World.


  • Marco Polo was the first European to reach Indonesia. He had travelled in search of spices which were valuable commodities in his country.

  • The Dutch kept Indonesia colonized for almost 350 years, owing to the fact that many old Indonesians speak Dutch fluently. Many Indonesian words have been derived from Dutch.

The Equator

  • The equator passes through Sumatra, making it a very popular tourist destination. The climate is hence equatorial with temperatures ranging 20-34 degree Celsius. The line cuts across islands Sumatra, Sulwesiand and Kalimantan along with a few other small Islands in the middle of the country.

The Ring of Fire

There are some interesting facts about Indonesia related to the ring of fire, here they are:

  • Indonesia is a part of ‘The Ring of Fire’, the volcano group.

  • About 75% of the volcanoes of the Ring of Fire are in Indonesia.

  • The Mount Tambora erupted in 1815, which is the world’s most powerful volcanic eruption. It affected the global climate to such an extent that it was called ‘year without summer’

Rich Bio-diversity

  • Indonesia boasts of having the second highest level of Biodiversity. The longest snake ever found was in here of length 10 meters in 1912. The Mudskipper fish which can walk, hop, climb on trees and breathe on land is found here. The Rafflesia Arnoldi, otherwise called the Corps flower with a height of 5ft and a width of 4ft making it the largest flower blooms here and weighs around 7 kilos. The Komodo Island houses the Komodo dragon, which is a kind of a lizard and can grow up to 3 meters long. This is the only country to house dragons.

The People

  • There are around 300 ethnic groups. 583 languages and their dialects are spoken across the country. The formal language of the country is Bahasa Indonesia.


  • Badminton along with soccer is the two popular games. These games suffer hugely from illegal gambling.

Amazing- Magnetic Georgian man

Abandoning a bid to set Guinness world record for balancing spoons on his face, a 39-year-old Georgian sports coach instead balances 50 on his body in an apparent feat of 'magnetic' attraction.
Etibar Elchyev, a 39-year-old kick-boxing trainer, discovered his talent of attracting metal to his body less than a year ago but has quickly taken to the world of magnetism.
Initially The Georgian Guinness Book of Records Commission announced Mr Elchyev wanted to break the record for 'the most spoons balanced on the face' category by balancing 27 spoons.
However after an unexplained change of plan, the kick-boxing trainer managed to balance 50 metal spoons around his neck and chest.
After the still impressive feat was successfully achieved, a happy Mr Elchyev promised there was more to come.

New Year 2014 Amazing Wellcome

In Britain, many of us welcome the new year with the simplest of celebrations: alcohol, fireworks and a great big clock. But for much of the rest of the world, the final minutes of 2013 and the first few of 2014 were an occasion to mark with something a little more exotic. From smashed plates to swiftly eaten grapes, these are some of the more unusual alternatives to singing “Auld Lang Syne” out of tune.


New Zealand 

Abuse your kitchen utensils

The first big country to see in 2014, for New Zealand the celebration comes in the depths of summer. While the big cities naturally staged fireworks displays, out in the sticks people resorted to a more modest form of New Year’s Eve noisemaking – namely, standing on their front porches banging their pots and pans together. To some cultures making a racket at midnight is a way to drive off evil spirits. For most Kiwis, however, it is simply an end in itself.



Ring in the new year – 108 times

In Japan, New Year’s Eve – or “Omisoka” – is time to welcome the Shinto god of the new year, Toshigami. Observers display traditional new year decorations such as kadomatsu (typically made from bamboo) and shimenawa (rice straw rope). At midnight, at each of the country’s Buddhist temples, a bell would have been rung – not 12 times, but 108 times, to dispel a long list of unwanted mental states, such as anger and jealousy. Whereas most people think of working on New Year’s Day as mere bad form, the Japanese consider it bad luck.



Drink a wish

New Year’s Eve took on a particular significance for Russians under Communist rule during the 20th century, when religious holidays, including Christmas, were banned. The New Year proved to be a suitable non-religious substitute for the forbidden seasonal celebration – and its popularity has continued beyond the fall of the Soviet Union. One midnight tradition in Russia is to write your new year’s wish on a scrap of paper, set it alight and drop the smouldering remains into your champagne glass – and then drink the lot before 12.01am.



Abuse your crockery

Many cultures see New Year’s Eve as a time to celebrate and catch up with friends and family, but few do so in quite such an aggressive manner as the Danes. In Denmark, it is traditional to keep your chipped and unwanted items of crockery, and then smash them against the front doors of your chums on the last night of the year. It’s a measure of your popularity to find a heap of broken china on the doorstep at midnight – which presumably comes as some comfort while you’re clearing it up.



Eat grapes

The Spanish always stock up on grapes before New Year’s Eve, so they can eat one on each of the 12 chimes at midnight – not as easy as it sounds. The grape-munching is a 20th-century invention, started by Alicante’s grape farmers in 1909 as a way to dispose profitably of the surplus grapes from that year’s unexpectedly large harvest. Last night the 12-grape custom was observed by almost everyone in Spain – as well as by new year’s revellers in several Spanish-speaking South American countries.



Give a gift of coal

Scotland is famous for a long list of “Hogmanay” traditions, from dancing a reel to swinging a fireball around one’s head. First-footing is the simple feat of being the first to enter the home of a friend or family member after the stroke of midnight, carrying a gift of whisky, bread, a coin – or a lump of coal. A similar custom is observed in several other countries, including England. In some areas, the first-foot is a welcome omen only if the visitor is tall, dark and male. Women and blond men are thought of as unlucky.



Hit the beach

In Rio de Janeiro, millions of people saw in 2014 on Copacabana Beach and its lesser-known neighbours, Ipanema and Leblon. Brazil’s new year revellers often wear white to ward off unfriendly spirits, and they gather by the shore to make offerings to Iemanjá, who, according to the local Umbanda religion, is the Goddess of the Sea. Her worshippers launch thousands of tiny boats loaded with flowers and other gifts. Others jump seven waves for good luck – one for each day of the week.

Flashback to 1986: The 27-year-old wall calendars that you can Use in 2014 Amazing

The dates of 1986 are exactly aligned with the dates of 2014 – so anyone who does discover a dusty 27-year-old calendar in the cupboard will find it is a perfect fit all over again