Thursday, January 2, 2014

Amazing Facts About Cosmetics & Makup



The word Cosmetics comes from the Greek word "kosmos," meaning "of this world," or "worldly." We're sure plenty of you out there are ready to wax philosophical about this one!

Nail polish


Nail polish was invented in 3000 B.C in China, and was made from egg whites, beeswax, gum, and colored powder. It's crazy to think how long people have been doing the same things we're doing today!

Egyptian make-up


The world’s first cosmetics were created from copper and lead ore by ancient Egyptians, and were used around the eyes of Egyptian women

Teeth whitening in Ancient Rome


In Ancient Rome, their preferred method of teeth whitening was to brush and gargle with urine. Ammonia, which is found in urine, is also a cleaning agent that can kill bacteria



he color additive, guanine, which puts the shine in lipstick and nail polish, comes from fish scales. It's FDA approved, so you don't have to worry that it's not safe, but still!



Snail slime is a fantastic treatment for acne, scars, and burns, and is being used in more and more beauty products these days. So with all the plants you're raising for their antioxidants, it just might be the garden snail that's your best bet for healthy skin



One of the most commonly used treatments for acne or burn patients, Vavelta, is made from cells isolated from the foreskins of baby boys. Don't worry, the foreskins are donated, if that was really the thing you were concerned about.

Victorian Trends


During the Victorian Era (c. 1800), make-up was only used by working class women, actresses, and prostitutes. 'Refined' women wore none. OMG, how the times have changed


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Cutest Animals You've Never Heard About

The Sugar Glider

Originating in Australia, the gorgeous Sugar Glider is a lot like a flying squirell. They prefer sweet nectar-filled foods too


The Australian Wallaby

Certainly not the only little-known Australian animal to be dubbed "cute", this baby wallaby is adorable!


The Red-Crested Tree Rat

Who ever thought a rat could be so cute, right? This Red-Crested Tree Rat has beautiful coloring.


The Ploughshare Tortoise

Found in Madagascar, the Ploughshare Tortoise, or Angonoka Tortoise, is critically endangered. Just look at how tiny this baby is!


The Roloway Monkey

Aww, just look at this little fellow clinging on to his soft toy! This is a baby Roloway Monkey, and they are only found in a small area of eastern Côte d'Ivoire and in the forests of Ghana.


The Hainan Gibbon

Look at this baby Hainan Gibbon! This species is so rare that they are only found on Hainan Island in China.


The Red Panda

The Red Panda is found in the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China. This cutie may be called a panda, but its closest animal relatives are the raccoon, skunk and weasel!


The Numbat

Numbats are a marsupial found in Western Australia. This baby numbat is smaller than a human hand!


The Jerboa

Look at those over-sized ears! This little animal is a cross between a mouse and a rabbit, and it is totally adorable.


The Golden Brushtail Possum

Originating in Australia, the Golden Brushtail Possum has a gorgeous yellow color and the cutest little nose!


The Dik Dik

Strange name but cute as a button! The Dik Dik originates from the bushlands of eastern and southern Africa - We'd love one as a pet!


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Health & Nutritional Benefits of Almonds


Almond is one of the delicious dry fruit of the world. The consumption of almond is restricted to 1-4 numbers daily for figure conscious people. Dry fruits are considered royal food because they are cultivated with much difficulty and hence really expensive (one more reason to why you should have only 1-4 daily) but the price can be overlooked considering the extraordinary nutritional benefits of almonds. Almond trees are mostly found in Asian countries.

The drupe shaped almond fruits are very nice to look and the tree bears beautiful whitish pink flower which comes in autumn season. Inside the fruit an edible seed is present and it is protected by a stony hard cell. These almond seeds come in oval or conical shape with a nice brown color. This fruit is included in super fruit groups for its lot of health benefits and nutritional elements. Almonds are available in different forms in the market which may be in almond milk, almond flour, or almond butter or in the nutritional foods. Almond and coconut bars are also available in the market.

What you need to know: nutrition facts of almonds, benefits of almonds, health benefits of almonds, nutritional benefits of almonds

Nutritional Benefits of Almonds:

1. Almonds are very much essential for your growth of hair. The lot of dietary fiber contents are very much helpful for the re growth of hair and protects it from damage. It also gives you a shiny black hair which gives a perfect look for your attractive hair styles. These nutritional benefits of almonds are used to make hair oils.

2. Almond’s nutrition facts are amazing; they are rich in vitamins, minerals, other phyto chemicals and dietary fibers that have much protection activity against diseases. The cancer curing elements present in this fruit makes this fruit a healthy and proper nutritional food.

3. Almonds have a protective ability for your heart because these contain lots of nutrition supplements like vitamins and minerals that can build a healthy heart with the help of vitamin E. These fruits consume negligible cholesterol that makes itself a proper diet food for your heart. This is why nutritional benefits of almonds are helpful for heart patients.

4. The phosphorus content of almonds gives you a special benefit of consuming minerals for your body. So this makes your bone and teeth healthy. It also lets the body use protein, fat and carbohydrates which come from different sources.


5. Almonds also contain a good amount of zinc which fulfils the daily consuming percentage of zinc by the body. This compound has wound healing property and the protein metabolism. It can also develop the reproductive system of the body.


6. The raw almonds are very much beneficial to health. It increases hunger. The fiber and protein content gives you a full diet with low calorie content. You can eat almonds with any of your foods and get energized without craving for more food.

7. The vitamin E is a lipid; it is a powerful soluble antioxidant which is the most essential component to maintain the cell membrane integrity of the mucus membrane and skin. It protects the body by reducing the oxygen free radicals which can cause many diseases and harm to your body.


8. Almond protects your skin and saves it from becoming dry. It is one of the traditional ayurvedic medicines which are used in aroma therapy, cosmetics products, and other pharmaceutical industries. These nutritional benefits of almonds are used to make beauty products like face scrubs, anti-aging creams, anti-wrinkle creams etc.

9. Almond alternatives available in market are helpful to the people who have problem in consuming daily food and diet. The almond butter and almond milk gives sufficient amount of protein to your body.

10. Almonds contain folic acid that makes the red blood cells. It cures heart diseases and reduces chances of heart attack. The nutritional benefits of almonds works very good for pregnant women, as vitamin B present in almonds also reduces chances of birth defects.




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10 Amazing Facts

10 Amazing Health & Nutritional Benefits of Pomegranate


Pomegranate is a one of the most popular nutritious fruit, its flavour and qualities makes it different to taste and it has some medicinal properties too. Its outer part possesses a leathery type texture and it is red/purple or an orange and yellow mixed in colour. Inside it consists of cells of juicy arils which are crystal pink and seeds are present inside this in white colour. Its a very good and smart choice for your dietary plans, as the nutritional benefits of pomegranate are amazing. The pomegranate arils make a perfect garnish for salads and other dishes also. Its juice is used in soups, jellies, sauces and different other types of cakes and its juice also add natural sweetness to the dishes with a unique flavour. It is said that daily intake of pomegranate makes your skin glow like its colour inside

Nutritional Benefits of Pomegranate:

1: It reduces chances of cancer

  • The free radicals inside the body occupy the electrons from body for which cells become unstable. For this cell damage occurs and healthy becomes dead. The antioxidants present in pomegranate helps in the combination process of free radicals inside body. So it gives protection against breast cancer and protest cancer, the nutritional benefits of pomegranate works by preventing the body from cancer disease

2: It boosts immunity inside body

  • It contains vitamin C and dietary fiber. Vitamin C improves resistance for outer infections caused by the viruses.

  • It strengthens immune system in the body and protects you from harmful diseases

3: It repairs digestive system

  • Pomegranate is a rich source of soluble and insoluble fiber. So these contents help your digestive system becoming smooth and controls bowel movements.

  • It also helps in improving blood circulation in the body.

4: It is used for weight loss treatment

  • It contains very low amount of natural fat with zero percent of cholesterol which keeps you slim. The soluble and insoluble dietary fiber content reduces extra fat deposits all around the body. So nutritionists suggest you to take pomegranate along with you food for losing weight

5: It protects heart

  • Pomegranate reduces the unnecessary blood clotting properties of blood in the body. For which blood flows to heart in a moderate way thus reducing the heart attack chances. The nutritional benefits of pomegranate are good for heart patients, you can take pomegranate juice on daily basis to improve heart functioning.

6: It has anti-inflammatory properties

  • Pomegranate shows anti-inflammatory properties in several parts of body. For this reason there are so many health benefits of pomegranate, it yields a protection status against asthma, piles, diarrhea and other diseases

7: Pomegranates are full of vitamins and minerals

  • The nutrition facts of pomegranate are very vast. It contains lots of vitamin contents such as Vitamin A, C, K, and B5. Other vitamin B complex compounds are also present in this fruit which include pantothenic acid, folates, pyridoxine which have lots of health benefits.

  • Pomegranate is also full of minerals including calcium, potassium, copper and manganese that give a proper balanced nutrition for good health

8: It is used in various cosmetic products

  • It has been used in various cosmetic products such as moisturizers, body lotion, hair products and various other beauty care products

9: It can cure cardiovascular diseases

  • Daily intake of pomegranate juice reduces the thic.

10: It is also included in super fruit category

  • Presence of the essential vitamin, minerals, natural enzymes, flavonoids and other contents keeps you healthy. For this reason it is often included in super fruit category

Nutrition Facts of Pomegranate



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Blocking Facebook On Your Computer


This might be helpfull if you want to prevent students fromusing facebook in school and colleges or your employees in office. If you are parent and don't want you child to use facebook or any other particular site then follow simple steps given below

How To Block Facebook ?

1. Go to Start > Programmes > Accesories
2. Then Right click on Notepad and Run it as administrator.
3. Now open host file by clicking on File > Open and locate to following address


You will find a file name "hosts". open it in notepad

4. Then just below # localhost paste folowing code

# Blocking Facebook blog.facebook

5. Now save the host file and done.
6. Open any browser and try to open facebook. It won't open. If facebook opens then you might have done somthing wrong. (let me know if you face any problem)

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Hide Your Files Behind The Images


There are some important files or document you want to hide from others on your computer.

Here is an interesting trick to hide files behind images. To hide a file behind a image  means that if any one opens that image he will see the image, but to see the hidden file we need to open that image in a specific way.

How To Hide File Behind Image ?

In order to do this you should have basic understanding of command line

Select an image to be used for hiding file behind the image.

2. Now select a file to hide behind the image and make it in .RAR format. With the help of the WinRAR.

3. And most important is that paste both the files on desktop. You may do this anywhere instead of desktop if you have some basic understanding of command line.

4. Now open cmd by going to Start > Accessories Command Prompt and type :          cd desktop


5. CD stands for change directory by typing above command you change your directory to desktop. After that type command

 Copy /b imagename.jpg + filename.rar finalimage.jpg


  • Replace imagename.jpg with the name of image you want your file to be hidden behind. Don't forget to add image format (Eg: .jpg,.png,.gif)

  • Replace filename with name of your file you want to hide. It must be in .rar format.

  • Finally Replace finalimage.jpg with whatever name you want your final image with hidden files should be. This is the image where your file will  be hidden.

6. Now when you will try to open this newly created image it will open as normal image, but to open you hidden file you need follow steps given below.

How To Access Hidden File ?

To access your hidden file you need to open the newly created image in winrar. Just follow simple steps given below to do that.

1. Open winrar

2. Now locate your image and open it or simply drag your image in winrar.

3. Extract the file and done.

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Create A Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders In Windows


Create an undeletable and unrenamable Folders In Windows operating system. Most of the Peoples are not aware that it is possible to create Undeletable, Unrenamable folder in windows without any software. To Test this concept just follow simple steps given below

How To Create Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders ?

  1. Go to Start and then Click on Run
  2. Type cmd & hit enter (To open Command Prompt ).
  3. Remember you cannot create Undeletable & unrenamable folder in your root directory (i.e. where the windows is installed) That means you can't make this kind of folder in C: drive if you installed windows on C:
  4. Type D: or E: and hit enter
  5. Type md con\ and hit enter (md - make directory)
  6. You may use other words such as aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9 instead of con in above step.
  7. Open that directory, you will see the folder created of name con.
  8. Try to delete that folder or rename that folder windows will show the error message.

How to delete that folder ?

It is not possible to delete that folder manually but you can delete this folder by another way mentioned below.

  1. Open Command Prompt
  2. Type D: ( if u created this type of folder in D: drive) & hit enter
  3. Type rd con\ (rd - remove directory)
  4. Open that directory and the folder will not appear because it has been removed

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