Wednesday, January 1, 2014

10 - Most Amazing Snow Sculptures

1. Château Frontenac


An accurate tribute to the national historical site in Quebec City, check out the awesome snow slides running down the front lawn of this piece from Harbin in 2007. (Photo from Todd King)

2. Snow Train


Stairs on the left side of this locomotive, displayed at Harbin in 2009, allowed visitors to climb inside to be photographed looking out a train window. (Photo from frankartculinary)

3. Happy Buddha


Gods and goddesses usually make an appearance at the Asian festival. This Buddha hails from Harbin in 2010. (Photo From Zimbio)

4. Napoleon


A portrait of the young French leader on horseback was highlighted at Harbin in 2011. The immensity of the sculpture is ironic given the former monarch’s notoriously petite dimensions. (Photo from NYDailyNews)

5. Old School Dragons


Why are these dragons “old school?” They were featured over 40 years ago at the 1970 Sapporo Festival. Notice their long, tendril-like whiskers. (Photo from Cathy)

6. Blue Whales


These whales, created almost a decade ago at Harbin, are proportionately accurate. The flora and fauna pictured were copied from actual photographs. (Photo From Global Eyes)

7. Swooping Owl


Part of a larger piece at Sapporo in 2011, this owl swooping down to catch a fish was lauded for its accuracy in the minute detail. (Photo from MagicSword!)

8. Hunting in Winter


Also created for the Breckenridge competition, this sculpture from Team China was the 1st place winner in 2008. (Photo from TinDenver)

9. Abstract Sculpture


While most snow sculpturists choose tangible subjects, this smooth and interestingly curved abstract work was entered into The 2007 Budweiser International Snow Sculpture Championships in Breckenridge, Colorado. (Photo from TinDenver)

10. National Treasure Inuyama Castle


Modeled after one of the four national treasure castles in Japan and elaborately detailed, this castle wowed enormous crowds at Sapporo in 2008. (Photo from Christopher Chan)

Asia’s First Speed Breaker That Produce Electricity

Pakistani Students Build Asia’s First Speed Breaker Produce Electricity

Speed Breaker which can generate electricity by Students of Sir Syed University, Karachi Pakistan 


Stop Sugar Cravings


How Overconsumption of Sugar Affects Your Body

  • Sugar feeds cancer cells and has been connected with the development of cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, rectum, pancreas, lung, gallbladder and stomach.

  • Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose and can cause reactive hypoglycemia.

  • Sugar can cause many problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including an acidic digestive tract, indigestion, malabsorption in patients with functional bowel disease, increased risk of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

  • Sugar can interfere with your absorption of protein.

  • Sugar can cause food allergies.

  • Sugar contributes to obesity.

Stop Sugar Cravings:

1. Cut out or lower sugar intake

cutting out sugar or drastically lowering your sugar intake is one of the best ways to stop craving it. Sugar is like a drug and it’s addictive qualities have been compared to cocaine

Cutting it out of your diet for just 3 weeks can make a huge difference in stopping the addictive cycle.

2. Balanced Meals with Healthy Protein & Fats

It’s important to build balanced meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner instead of snacking all day. Leaving the opportunity for snacking open just gives you more chances to reach for a sweet treat.

3. Don’t be fooled by “health food” marketing. Cut out sources of concentrated sugar.



Products like smoothies, juice and protein bars are constantly marketed as “health food”, but contain a lot of sugar that can affect blood sugar levels.

Even though “protein bars” have a lot of protein, they are usually very processed, have a lot of sugar and are designed for serious athletes who burn a lot of calories and need concentrated sources of fuel by way of carbs, calories and sugar. Unless you’re a marathon runner, professional athlete or a serious crossfit enthusiast, you probably don’t need these kinds of “meal replacement” foods

Both smoothies and juices are extremely concentrated sources of sugar, which can affect blood sugar and cause a sugar rush just like one you would experience by eating a candy bar or a piece of cake.

White Cool Wall Papers

Having a cool wallpaper on Desktop of a PC or laptop gives a cool feeling even when u r in stress.

try one of them

Right Click to save


Happy New Year 2014

New Year Calibration Around the World


