Saturday, January 4, 2014

Are you a snorer?


Especially if you live alone, you may be unaware of just how much you're snoring.
If you suffer from any of the following conditions during the day, it should give you a clue that your snoring has gone into the danger bracket: chronic drowsiness, headaches, decreased libido, irritability, poor concentration, forgetfulness, nodding off at work.

The causes of snoring

Other factors that can aggravate snoring include heavy drinking, eating just before going to sleep, smoking or being exposed to second hand smoke, and/or being overweight.

Men snore more

Four out of every ten men snore, whereas the number for women is three out of ten. Roughly one quarter of people are snorers.

The sound of snoring


The sound of snoring is the result of air turbulence vibrating the structures in the upper airway; these sounds can range from 50 – 100 decibels.
The latter is the sound made by a pneumatic drill. If you snore, either your muscles have become weak, or your airway is being restricted in some way.

Snoring and heart problems

Snoring people sleep more deep then non-snoring. Regular snorers are 5 times more likely to develop heart disease, stroke and hypertension than people who do not snore.

Reduce your snoring

Here are some ideas on how to reduce your snoring:

  • lose weight;

  • avoid rich foods and alcohol before bedtime;

  • raise your head by putting pillows under it;

  • try and avoid sleeping on your back (some people sew a tennis ball into the neck of their pyjamas).

Funny Sign and warning Boards

Funny Sign and warning Boards

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كيف ا ستخد م فرشاة الأسنان


حذر باحثون سويديون من خطورة استخدام فرشاة الأسنان بشكل خاطئ، ما قد يعرض حياة الشخص لخطر الإصابة بمرض السرطان.

وذكرت وسائل إعلامية أن "باحثين سويديين، وجدوا صلة بين المستويات المرتفعة من مادة البلاك والبكتيريا التي تتراكم على الأسنان نتيجة إساءة استخدام فرشاة الأسنان أو عدم استخدامها كليا، وبين الإصابة بالسرطان".

وقال الباحثون إن "الذين تتراكم لديهم هذه المادة والبكتيريا المصاحبة لها على أسنانهم ولثاتهم تزيد نسبة الوفاة المبكرة لديهم بمعدل 80% مقارنة بغيرهم".

وأضاف الباحثون أن "الالتهابات تلعب دورا كبيرا في الإصابة بالسرطان في حالة واحدة من كل خمس حالات، وأنها تعد عاملا رئيسيا في أمراض اللثة".

يذكر أن العديد من الدراسات، حذرت من أن فرشاة الأسنان قد تكون سببًا في كثير من المشاكل الصحية الخطيرة، نتيجة استخدامها لفترة طويلة، حيث تتجمع البكتيريا وملايين الجراثيم بداخلها، ما يرفع احتمالات إصابة مستخدميها بأمراض القلب والأزمات القلبية والتهابات المفاصل والالتهابات المزمنة.

Amazing & Interesting Facts About United States


National Facts

  • The National bird of the United States is The Bald Eagle.

  • Rose is the national flower.

  • The capital of the nation is Washington, District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.).

  • The national mottos are E Pluribus Unum which translates to Out of Many, one and In God We trust.

  • Stars and Stripes forever is the National March.

Poor Americans

  • Americans classified as ‘Low Income’ holders or living in poverty make up 48% of the population.

  • 46 million people of the United States live on food stamps. On the whole, there is one child out of every four children live in food stamps.

  • Cleveland, Ohio’s 52% children live in poverty.

Independence Day – July 4th or 2nd

There are some interesting facts about United Stated related to the Independence day, here they are:

  • The Declaration of Independence was actually written by Thomas Jefferson on July 2nd. The congress was the then ruling party and took its time for 2 days to accept the declaration.

  • Jefferson drafted the declaration on his laptop. In those days, a laptop was a writing desk that fit on one’s lap.

  • John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, both died on July 4th, 1826, a few hours apart.

State Division

  • The United States is divided into 50 states. The states are all in different shapes and sizes.

  • With just 1,545 square miles, Rhodes Island is the smallest state of the United States.

  • Alaska happens to be the largest state with 663,268 square miles. It also has the longest US coastline stretching for 6,640 miles.

 Mountain Ranges & their Climatic Effect

  • The mountain ranges of the US run in north – south direction, influencing much of the climatic conditions.

  • The hot and dry climate of Arizona and Nevada can be attributed to being on the leeward side of the mountains.

Hot & Cold

  • Prospect Creek, Alaska, recorded the lowest temperature ever in the United States on the 23rd of January in 1971.  It was recorded as -80 degree Fahrenheit.

  • Death Valley in California recorded the highest temperature on July 10th, 1913.

Honolulu, Hawaii

  • The Iolani palace had belonged to the Monarch King KalaKaua and Queen Lili’uokalani until 1893, when they were overthrown. The palace is the only one in the United States to be used by a monarch.
    The palace served as the Capitol building till 1959, until Hawai became a state. Now,  the palace is a museum.

Indebted America

  • The Federal Reserve Bank of New York approximates 167,000 Americans have more than $200,000 student loan.

  • Even if Bill Gates gave up every single penny of his fortune, he would have taken care of only 15 days’ deficit of America.

  • The national debt is 22 times as much as it was during Jimmy carter’s time.

Cartoons & Movies

  • Hollywood, America is considered to be the movie capital of the world. Cinema has grown multi fold from its early days.

  • Walt Disney was a ruthless business man, and was rumored to be anti Semitic and otherwise racist.

  • Mickey Mouse’s original name, Mortimer mouse was thought pompous by Walt Disney’s wife. She had suggested the name Mickey as she thought it was cuter.

Official Language

  • The most interesting fact about United States is that there is no official language in the country. Although English is the most common language used in United States, but there is no official language of the country.

Amazing & Interesting Facts About Germany


Germany, officially known as Federal Republic of Germany is a European country. It is divided into 16 states, and it is the most populated European country after Russia and 16th most populated country in the world. Here are some astonishingly interesting facts about Germany:


  • Germany lies in the center of Europe.

  • The bordering countries are Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France , Luxemburg, Belgium and the Netherlands (clockwise from the top/North), making the count to a whooping 9 countries.

  • The Baltic Sea and the North sea form the borders along with the Alps mountains and Lake Constance.

Land of Poets & Thinkers

  • Germany is referred to as the land of poets and thinkers or ‘Land der dichter und denker’.

  • Some of the very famous German scientists are Albert Einstein, Robert Koch and Gottlieb Daimler.

  • Germany has its fair share of poets like the Grimm brothers, thomas Mann and Wolfgang con Goethe.

Beer, the country’s favourite!

  • Beer is considered as a food in Bavaria officially.

  • After the Irish, the Germans are those consume the most beer, making Germany the second largest consumer of Beer.

  • In a pub, you would raise your thumb and not your index finger to ask for a glass of beer.

  • Munich has over 60 beer gardens. These interesting facts about Germany shows how fun loving people the country has!

The German Language

  • German is the most widely taught third language across the world.

  • The language in which a book was first printed was German.

  • Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft is the longest word to be published. It is 79 letters long.

  • There are thirty five dialects of the German language.

  • Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein have German as the official language.

Environment Friendly

  • Germany recycles 48% of its waste. This makes it stand third in recycling after its neighbors Austria and Swiss.

  • Ernst Haeckel is a German biologist who coined the term ‘Ecology’.

  • Northern German coast has over 20,000 turbines that contribute to 35% of the wind energy produced in the world. These interesting facts about Germany gives a lesson to the countries who are not taking environment conditions seriously.


  • The city of Berlin has the largest railway station in the world.

  • Berlin is nine times bigger than the city of Paris.

  • JFK visited Berlin when he said ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’. It means I am a jelly donut.

  • In 1881, the world’s first electric tramway opened in a Berlin suburb Lichterfelde. Siemens and Halske Company built the tramway.

Air Transport

  • The world’s first airline was founded on the 16th of November in 1909, in Frankfurt. It is called DELAG, expanding as Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-Aktiengesellschaft. It translates to German Airship Transport Corporation.

  • In terms of the number of international passengers carried, Lufthansa, an airline based out of Frankfurt is the largest airline in the world. It is also Europe’s largest in terms of the number of passenger kilometer flown, fleet size and the freight ton flown.


  • There are nearly seven hundred zoological gardens, bird parks, animal reserves, wildlife parks. This includes 414 registered zoos. This count is more than that of the United States.

  • The Zoologischer Garten has 1500 species and 14000 as its animal population, making it the largest in these terms. It is located in Berlin.

Jeans, Gummy Bears & Christmas tree

  • The German Hans Riegal invented the famous Gummy bears.

  • The Christmas tree tradition started off in Germany.

  • The Jeans was invented by Levi Strauss.

  • Oktoberfest

  • The Oktoberfest is the most pompously celebrated festival. The festival is celebrated in the last week of September instead of October.

بیچاراه نواز شریف


بیچاراه نواز شریف

